Best Exercises for Joint Pain

Joint pain is a condition that negatively affects our daily life. It leaves negative effects on the person by affecting the whole life and psychology. It limits your mobility. Sedentary lifestyle, being overweight and advancing age can cause pain and limitation of movement, leaving negative effects on joint health.

Scientific research has proven that sports and exercise are effective on joint pain and improve joint mobility. Regular exercise strengthens the muscles and provides support to the joints, which reduces the load on the joints. Joint pain is reduced in people who exercise and, in addition, people start to feel better psychologically.

Best Healthy Exercises for Joint Pain

  • Walking is one of the most effective exercises for those who suffer from joint pain. Since walking causes weight loss, the load on the joints is reduced and at the same time, it gives flexibility to the joints.
  • Exercising by sitting on a chair and taking weight on the hands and lifting-lowering the legs and arms alternately is one of the most useful exercises for joint pain.
  • As pilates is a sport that strengthens the joints, it is often recommended for those with joint disorders. There are different movements for many parts of the body in pilates, and the shoulder bridge exercise is very useful for joint disorders.
  • Zumba is also an exercise that is good for joint pain. Doing zumba both burns a lot of calories and helps to strengthen the joints by providing mobility without straining.
  • Elliptical bicycle is also a recommended exercise for joint pain. Exercising becomes very easy as it is a tool you can keep even at home.
  • Wall squats are also one of the most effective exercise types. You can do this exercise by leaning the pilates ball against the wall, leaning your back on the ball and leaning on your knees.

Taking collagen supplements while doing all these exercises will support you to get full efficiency from the exercises.