
Some Collagen Types and Their Differences

Some Collagen Types and Their Differences

Collagen is the connective tissue protein in our body. It holds most of the body parts together and at least has 16 different varieties. However, the most produced collagens by the body are type I, type II, and type III. Let's have a look at the differences and benefits of these collagens.

Why Refer to Collagen Supplements?

Why Refer to Collagen Supplements?

Nowadays, collagen’s importance keeps increasing as the people became more aware of its value. As it is necessary to synthesize it on a daily basis, it has an essential role in the sport as well.

What is Collagen? What are the benefits of Collagen?

Collagen is known as an amino acid found in the body. Collagen is one of the most important proteins that keeps the body together, increases strength and gives the skin elasticity. It consists of three alpha chains wrapped around each other. As a protein found all over the body, the amount of collagen begins to decrease as we age.

Nutritions to Relieve Fatigue

Are you feeling tired all the time? Does season changes impact you negatively? This situation might appear because of lack of rest along with irregularities in the diet. In case of insufficient Niacin, B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid and vitamin C, as well as iron, potassium, chromium, selenium and iodine might cause a weakness. Did you know some of the nutritions sets barriers for tiredness? Let's have a look these nutritions:

Suggestions for Office Workers

Nowadays, people spent most of their time in the office, which may cause not to be able to eat healthy due to the busy work schedule. Besides, spending too much time in the office may cause overweight and fat accumulation. Whereas eating healthy in the office and losing weight instead of gaining is possible. 

In order to be a healthy person, the daily diet has vital importance. A well-balanced diet and consuming enough vitamin&minerals increases the health conditions along with helping to achieve better work performance. Here are some healthy leaving tips for people who have an office job or who are not able to move enough through the day:

What to Do to Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency?

Vitamin D is a vitamin found in our body as 7-dehydrocholesterol and activated by UVB rays, which acts as a hormone as a result of the metabolism of animal-derived cholecalciferol in the body.

Positive Effects of Sport on Joint Health and Joint Pain

Joints are the center of movement of the musculoskeletal system that enable our movements. We have over three hundred joints. Their shapes are different. In terms of structure, it is divided into two groups as those with and without joint membranes.

Fish Oils and Health

It was seen that the people with the least cardiac disease were Esquimau. The reason for this was the abundance of fish attached to food. As many studies in recent years show the positive effects of seafood, the correctness of this cause-and-effect relationship has been strengthened. Fifty years ago, Dutch scientists interviewed 850 married women and recorded how much their husbands had eaten. After 20 years of follow-up, 30 grams per day of fish eaters ....

Who needs to take food supplements?

Regular and adequate nutrition, plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, adequate protein and healthy fats can be provided with a diet. Intensive living conditions, adverse environmental conditions, processed foods, increasing stress factors (traffic, business associations, fast life) make it difficult to implement a balanced diet on a regular basis. However, there is a growing need for micronutrients due to factors such as improper cooking techniques used during the preparation of foods, distress experienced during seasonal changes, one-way nutrition, smoking, alcohol use.

Obesity and Joint Health

Obesity is a word derived from French. It is often referred to as obesity. Abnormal (hyperplasic) and excessive (hypertrophic) fat accumulation in the fat tissues to the extent that it disturbs the health. The body fat ratio occurs with body weight increasing by 15-18% in men and 20-25% in women.

What is Omega-3? What are the types of Omega-3? What are the benefits?

Omega 3 can minimize the risk of heart attack, strengthen bones and joints, regulate blood sugar, weaken the possibility of getting dangerous diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia, and play an active role in protecting cardiovascular health.

Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms

Since omega 3 oils cannot be produced by the human body, it is a type of oil that should be taken as a food supplement. These fatty acids are in the class of essential fatty acids. Although they are necessary for metabolism, they cannot be synthesized in the body and must be taken with food. In cases where there is not enough Omega-3 in our body, some remarkable negative symptoms can be observed.

Cardiovascular Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

It has been suggested that taking Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet is effective in protecting the heart, and taking 0.5-2.0 g of omega fatty acids per day reduces death risk caused by cardiovascular diseases, and the higher dose does not provide additional benefit.

What are the Ways to Speed Up your Metabolism?

Do you want to lose weight faster? Then start with speeding up your metabolism! Well, how can you speed up your metabolism? What foods speed up your metabolism? Let’s learn together!

What Makes Marine Collagen Different?

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. Collagen, which provides vitality and flexibility in the body, also has the ability to renew worn out tissues. Conditions such as joint pain, tendon rupture, some cartilage problems or skin wrinkles can be repaired with collagen.

Vitamins that Dissolve in Water

Nowadays, due to the fast consumption, people focus on the vitamins in order to cope with tiredness and weakness. Especially vitamins that dissolve in the water is one of the most preferred ones, and Vitamin B and C are one of them. Let's have a look at which else vitamins dissolve in the water.  

What Are Fat Soluble Vitamins?

Fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E and K. These vitamins are found in fatty foods such as butter, vegetable oils and some vegetables. In order for these vitamins to be absorbed from the intestines, fat absorption must be normal. So, deficiencies occur in these vitamins when there is a problem with fat absorption due to reasons such as diarrhea.

Why Is Intestinal Health Important?

Our intestinal health is very important for us to carry out all our vital activities. It affects our social life significantly. Even our concerns and sadness may affect our intestines negatively. So, while dealing with stress, we should feed our intestines with foods that will be good for them so that we can protect our intestinal health. Intestines are the second brain of our bodies. Just like the brain, if our intestinal system collapses, the whole system collapses. There are a lot of bacteria in out intestines. These are divided into two groups as good bacteria and bad bacteria. If we do not eat healthy, the amount of bad bacteria increase and good bacteria decrease. This situation significantly affects our immune system. We need probiotics for our intestines to be healthy. Probiotics are living organisms and yeasts.

What are the Functions of Collagen in Our Body?

Collagen is the name of the protein that is the building block of movement in the body.  It acts as a filler between bones, cartilage, fibers and joints. The main purpose of collagen in the body is to strengthen the tissues by supporting them and to increase the flexibility on the skin.

It has been scientifically known that our body's natural collagen production decreases by an average of 1-1.5 percent each year after the 20s. In order for the skin not to lose its elasticity after the age of 20, it is necessary to take collagen supplements.

Benefits of Taking Collagen for Workout and Physical Exercise

Doing physical activities is important for every age group to lead a healthy life. It is possible to have a healthier body by doing sports. It is also scientifically proven that people who follow a balanced diet and do sports together lead a healthier and longer life. Many people who do sports, workout and physical exercise have a nutritional arrhythmia due to the activities they are interested in. They support their activities and physical transformation with supplements and vitamins as well as natural foods. 

What Causes Collagen Deficiency? What are the Symptoms of Collagen Deficiency?

Collagen is a substance that holds all organs and connective tissue of the body together and protects the skin from wrinkles and aging. Collagen production protects the body from joint diseases, dull and lifeless skin, celluloid and wrinkles. Provides healthy hair, nails and teeth.

Best Exercises for Joint Pain

Joint pain is a condition that negatively affects our daily life. It leaves negative effects on the person by affecting the whole life and psychology. It limits your mobility. Sedentary lifestyle, being overweight and advancing age can cause pain and limitation of movement, leaving negative effects on joint health.

How to Cope with fat in certain parts of the body?

Fat in certain parts of our is a common problem for all of us. Although we eat by paying attention to what we eat, we may face the problem of seeing fat only in the certain part of our body, although it varies from person to person. So, what are the reasons for this? Let's examine the causes of the fat in certain parts of the body and how we should deal with it.

What are the Body Types?

Diets and exercise programs may vary for each body type. There are basically 4 body types. These are:

  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Rectangle
  • and Hourglass

The point that needs to be underlined here is that the hourglass body type is a body type seen only in women.

Can You Lose Weight with Yoga? What are the Most Effective Poses and Asanas?

Yoga, which has been very popular in recent years as it provides mental, spiritual and physical relaxation, is the favorite exercise of many people. The answer to the question of whether yoga, which has many benefits for our body and mind, is also effective in weight loss is yes, it is possible to lose weight with yoga. Then let's examine yoga and weight loss in more detail and take a closer look at the most effective poses.

How to Lose Weight Healthily

In modern industrial societies, as a result of the abundance of food and the decrease in daily physical activity, weight gain and obesity appear as a problem in humans. This is a common feature of all industrialized and prosperous societies.

What is Vitamin D3? What happens in Vitamin D3 Deficiency?

Vitamin D3 is especially important for the development of children. Vitamin D3 deficiency can lead to many health problems in both adults and children. That's why the Vitamin D value should be at the desired level.

How to Strengthen the Immune System

You can make your body resistant to diseases with immune-boosting supplements and nutrients.

What Does Hyaluronic Acid Do for The Skin?

Hyaluronic acid provides a healthy and vigorous appearance by regulating the moisture content of the skin. It is good for wrinkles and dryness, and provides rapid healing for wounds.

What is L-Carnitine and What does it Do?

L-Carnitine amino acid is an important substance that affects not only fat burning but also many factors in the body. Carnitine, which plays a very important role in the energy mechanism, is essential for every human being.

What is Glucosamine? What does Glucosamine Do?

It is beneficial to have a sufficient amount of glucosamine in the body to relieve joint pain and heal stomach ailments. Which foods contain glucosamine and what are their benefits?

Vitamins for Kids: Which Vitamins Are Important?

A good diet is essential for the development of children. At the same time, the immune system and basic development can be supported with healthy vitamin supplements.

Taking Omega-3 and Cranberry Food Supplements

In our article, where you can find the answer to the question of what are the benefits of Omega-3 and Cranberry, you can take a look at the mental and physical benefits of both products. We have compiled 10 different reasons for taking Omega-3, which is recommended for brain, nervous system, cardiovascular health.

What is Iron Deficiency? Taking Iron Supplements

With iron supplements, you can eliminate the deficiency that you cannot get from natural sources and alleviate the problems caused by iron deficiency.

High-Protein Diet: Benefits and How to Do It

Protein is one of the essential needs of the human body. With the right protein diet, you can maintain weight balance and get the necessary energy you need.

What is Propolis? How is Propolis Used?

How is propolis used and what effects does it have on our body?

What is Coenzyme Q10? What are the Benefits of Coenzyme Q10?

What are the benefits of Coenzyme Q10 and what are the consequences of Coenzyme Q10 deficiency?

What is Royal Jelly?

What are the benefits of royal jelly for the body?

What is L-Arginine?

What is L-Arginine? What are the Benefits of L-Arginine?

Which Foods Contain Which Vitamins?

Which Foods Contain Which Vitamins? What are the Benefits of Vitamins?

What is Probiotic? What Foods are Probiotics Found In?

What is Probiotic? What Foods are Probiotics Found In?

Which Foods Contain Vitamin E?

Which foods contain Vitamin E? What are the benefits of vitamin E?

What is Folic Acid? What does Folic Acid do in our body?

What is folic acid? What are the benefits of folic acid?

Weight Loss Methods at Home

Weight problem is a health problem that affects not only your appearance but also inside of your body and organs. If you want to lose weight, first of all, you need to hold on to something that will motivate yourself, and be determined and ambitious.

What are the Negative Effects of the Sun your Skin?

Human body needs Vitamin D and the sun is a great source of it. However, overexposure to the sun has negative effects on the skin.

What is Folic Acid? What does Folic Acid do in our body?

Coenzyme q10, which helps increase energy production in cells, also makes any enzyme work more effectively.

How to Take Care of Your Nails, Skin and Hair in Summer?

Our skin is sensitive to sunlight.  The sun can cause various burns, spots and some diseases on the skin. Being in the sun for a long time, especially without protection, causes aging of the skin and wrinkles on the skin in the long term.