Can You Lose Weight with Yoga? What are the Most Effective Poses and Asanas?

Yoga, which has been very popular in recent years as it provides mental, spiritual and physical relaxation, is the favorite exercise of many people. The answer to the question of whether yoga, which has many benefits for our body and mind, is also effective in weight loss is yes, it is possible to lose weight with yoga. Then let's examine yoga and weight loss in more detail and take a closer look at the most effective poses.

Yoga and Weight Loss

Basically, what is required to lose weight is that the calories you burn are more than the calories you take. In the introduction, we mentioned that yoga plays a helpful role in losing weight. Yoga has a different effect on weight loss compared to other exercises or sports.

Since yoga does not require high effort as other exercises, the amount of calories burned will be lower than other exercises. However, there are also longer sessions and more challenging movements among the types of yoga. In this regard, it is very important for people who want to lose weight to choose the right type of yoga. For example, Ashtanga and Power Yoga are effective yoga types for those who want to lose weight.

In addition, losing weight with yoga is not about the movements you do. Yoga allows people to discover their true self. In this way, yoga, which helps you to strengthen your psychology and to feel better, will reflect positively on your eating habits. Many people find themselves eating constantly, especially during times of stress. Yoga helps you avoid these habits.

3 Yoga Poses Effective for Weight Loss

Tree Pose

You have seen this pose in many photos. Tree pose, which helps to strengthen your abdominal area and strengthen your general posture, is very popular. In this position, you should pay attention to your balance while breathing.

Plow Pose

Plow pose, which is more difficult than the tree pose, will increase your blood flow and will regulate your metabolism. The correctness of your posture determines the effect it will have. You must follow the necessary steps carefully for correct pose.

Bow Pose

The bow pose which requires you to make more effort than the other two poses, allows you to burn calories directly. It is also very effective in maintaining your metabolism throughout the day. It especially strengthens the chest and back area.