Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms

Since omega 3 oils cannot be produced by the human body, it is a type of oil that should be taken as a food supplement. These fatty acids are in the class of essential fatty acids. Although they are necessary for metabolism, they cannot be synthesized in the body and must be taken with food. In cases where there is not enough Omega-3 in our body, some remarkable negative symptoms can be observed.

Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms

Since omega 3 oils cannot be produced by the human body, it is a type of oil that should be taken as a food supplement. These fatty acids are in the class of essential fatty acids. Although they are necessary for metabolism, they cannot be synthesized in the body and must be taken with food. In cases where there is not enough Omega-3 in our body, some remarkable negative symptoms can be observed.

Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms

In cases where there is not enough Omega-3 in our body, some remarkable negative symptoms can be observed.

Omega-3 deficiency symptoms:

  • Dry skin
  • Drying and dandruff on the scalp
  • Easy breaking of finger and toe nails
  • Lack of concentration, forgetfulness and distraction
  • Vision problems, visual impairment
  • Heart conditions
  • Cholesterol and triglyceride problems
  • Joint disorders
  • Increase in hair loss, weakness and fragility of hair
  • Quick cold hands and feet, constant cold feeling in hands and feet
  • Depressed mood

When there is not enough Omega 3 in the body enough, the above symptoms can be seen in our body. If you have symptoms listed above, your body is warning you about Omega-3 deficiency.

Benefits of Omega-3

Just like omega 6, Omega 3, which should be taken with foods, can minimize the risk of heart attack, strengthen bones and joints, regulate blood sugar, weaken the possibility of getting dangerous diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia, and play an active role in the protection of cardiovascular health.

Omega 3, which can be used to keep the memory strong and the brain to work better, can have a neuroprotective effect, so if it is taken in the right way throughout life, the brain can continue to function in a healthy way even in old age.

Fish oil and Omega-3 capsule forms are generally used as Omega-3 supplements. Without regular usage of Omega-3 supplements, it will be difficult to see the benefits because it will be possible to reach to the required levels of this fat in the body only with regular intake. If you want to have a healthy brain and a good memory, you should regularly support your body with Omega-3.

In this regard, it can be suggested to use of Nutraxin Omega-3 capsules. Nutraxin Omega-3 2000 mg or Omega-3 Co-Q-10 as supplementary food for adults is recommended to be taken 1-2 times a day with plenty of water.