What Are Fat Soluble Vitamins?

Fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E and K. These vitamins are found in fatty foods such as butter, vegetable oils and some vegetables. In order for these vitamins to be absorbed from the intestines, fat absorption must be normal. So, deficiencies occur in these vitamins when there is a problem with fat absorption due to reasons such as diarrhea.

Everything About Vitamin A

It is divided into two as vitamin A1 and vitamin A2. Most of the vitamin A taken through the diet is A1. While A1 is found mostly in animal foods and marine fish, vitamin A2 is found in freshwater fish. Vitamin A1 is in the form of light-yellow crystals. In addition, the substance called beta-carotene, which is found in plants, also helps to show the effect of vitamin A.

Vitamin A (Retinol): It is found in liver, kidney, lungs of animals; fat and liver of fish; milk, butter, and egg yolk.

Vitamin A (Karotin): Carrots, melons, apricots (yellow fruits) and green vegetables are among foods rich in carotene, which is converted into vitamin A.

Vitamin A has a lot of benefits for the human body:

Vitamin A plays a major role in healthy eyesight. That's why our elders say “eat fish” all the time so that our eyes can see better. Even blindness can occur as a result of vitamin A deficiency.

It regulates the reproductive functions.

It plays a major role in growth before, during and after adolescence. This is why many children take fish oil during adolescence and as children.

Vitamin D

About 10 substances are known to have a vitamin D effect. However, the most effective of these are Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. Both of these are equal in terms of effectiveness. Both vitamins are synthesized in the body by the effect of sunlight. Therefore, vitamin D synthesis is sufficient for people who are exposed enough to the sunlight.

Vitamin D: It is found in the sunlight, fish oil, egg yolk, butter, beef, sheep liver and white meat.

Among the benefits of vitamin D, it strengthens bones by increasing the effect of calcium. It strengthens the tooth structure.

Vitamin E

There are 7 types of substances that show the effect of Vitamin E. The most important of these is the substance called a-tocopherol. Just like Vitamin C, it protects the body from external forces and prevents flu infections. A person who follows a healthy diet and eats regularly is unlikely to have a Vitamin E deficiency. The most important benefit of vitamin E is its antioxidant effect. Vitamin E is a very important fat-soluble antioxidant. It protects all cells against the harmful effects of oxygen.

Vitamin E: It is found in vegetable oils, grains with seeds, potatoes, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, green vegetables, liver, egg yolk, dairy products, fresh meat and fish.

Vitamin K

There are two main types of Vitamin K. Vitamin K1 is found in plants. It is particularly abundant in vegetable oils, leafy green vegetables and wheat bran. Vitamin K2 is synthesized by intestinal bacteria. No supplements are required for vitamin K. It is a vitamin that is secreted enough in a healthy person.

Vitamin K: Turnip, cauliflower, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, dill, cress, green vegetables, beans, green tea and liver are foods rich in Vitamin K. The benefit of Vitamin K to our body is that it thins the blood in cases of blockages in the blood path and coagulation problems and it regulates the system.