What Causes Collagen Deficiency? What are the Symptoms of Collagen Deficiency?

Collagen is a substance that holds all organs and connective tissue of the body together and protects the skin from wrinkles and aging. Collagen production protects the body from joint diseases, dull and lifeless skin, celluloid and wrinkles. Provides healthy hair, nails and teeth.

Collagen deficiency causes problems such as excessive cellulite, slow growth and continuous breakage of nails, hair loss and lifeless hair, a dull, dry and wrinkled skin, decaying and losing teeth and gums, especially in women. In short, collagen keeps every part of the body healthy and vigorous. After the thirties, the amount of collagen in the body decreases. For this reason, it is necessary to take collagen supplements and support. With the decrease of collagen, some symptoms begin to be seen in the body. When these symptoms begin to appear, you should see a doctor and take collagen supplements.

What are the Symptoms of Collagen Deficiency?

Collagen is the substance that keeps the body whole and alive. Some symptoms are seen when collagen deficiency occurs. It is necessary to identify them well and to intervene without delay.

One of the most obvious signs of collagen deficiency is wrinkles and dry skin that loses moisture. Since collagen provides the elasticity of the skin, when the amount of collagen decreases, lines, wrinkles and sagging occur. Dryness occurs on the skin and the creams are insufficient to moisturize the skin because the skin is dry to its deepest layers and creams only penetrate the surface.

Another symptom is seen in hair and nails. If the hair does not grow and falls out excessively, if it is too weak, if the nails are broken and peeling, your body may be trying to tell you something about collagen deficiency. Joints are also the bones that are most affected by collagen deficiency and are the most common symptoms in collagen deficiency. Since 95% of cartilages are made up of collagen, problems occur in the cartilage if there is collagen deficiency. When the cartilages that support the joints are affected, the joints are also directly affected and diseases occur. The most common is severe joint pain and it reduces the mobility of the person, which affects the life of the person negatively. So, if you are experiencing such symptoms, you should consult a doctor and get collagen support without delay.