What are the Body Types?

Diets and exercise programs may vary for each body type. There are basically 4 body types. These are:

  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Rectangle
  • and Hourglass

The point that needs to be underlined here is that the hourglass body type is a body type seen only in women.

What are the Body Types? – Regional Fat and Body Types

In this article, we will look at the relationship between regional fat deposits and body types, which are common problems of almost everyone, and we will examine exercise and nutrition recommendations in detail.

● Apple Types

In people with an apple-type body, the weight is usually more in the abdominal area. The lower part of the body has a narrower structure than the upper part. If people with apple-type body do not exercise, the fat in abdominal area increases and it can cause health problems with the risk of damage to internal organs. 

What exercises should be done?

People with this body type should practice cardio-based exercises. Swimming, running, cycling, etc. In addition, in order to burn regional fat, they must strengthen their weak areas and turn them into muscle.

What diet should be followed?

If you have an unhealthy diet, you should get away as soon as possible and follow a healthy diet. Carbohydrate needs should be taken from foods such as bulgur and brown rice. It is recommended to stay away from fizzy drinks and alcohol. Low-fat yogurt, which is known to help fat burning, can be consumed. In addition, regular exercise can be done using fat burning products.

● Pear Type

It is the body type of those whose hips are wider than their upper body. Burning the fat in the hips requires more stability compared to different regions, so it is necessary to set up the diet and exercise pattern in accordance with the body type.

What exercises should be done?

You should stay away from sports that will thicken your lower body. Exercises such as light and moderate jogging will be more suitable for body type. You have to exercise regularly.

What diet should be followed?

You must meet your protein needs with natural foods such as eggs. You should use less fat in meals and prefer low-fat products. Also, before workouts, the fat burning can be somewhere in your life. You have to get caffeine out of your life. You can drink herbal teas instead.

● Rectangle Type

If you don’t have a curvaceous body and the width of the waist, shoulders and hips are equal, you have a rectangular body type.

What exercises should be done?

For your heart, you should do cardio-based exercises. It will be more effective if a fitness instructor sets up your exercise program.

What diet should be followed?

Carbohydrate-based foods should be restricted and you should consume more legumes and vegetables. You should reduce your alcohol consumption. Protein and low-fat dairy products are a good option for you.

● Hourglass Type

If your waist is thin and the width of your shoulders and hips are close to each other, you have an hourglass type body.

What exercises should be done?

You do practice exercises such as walking and pilates. Exercising your hips will keep you tight. Sports like swimming are not very good for this body type.

What diet should be followed?

You should consume foods high in protein. You should choose less foods that are high in fat and sugar as they will make you gain weight.