What are the Ways to Speed Up your Metabolism?

Do you want to lose weight faster? Then start with speeding up your metabolism! Well, how can you speed up your metabolism? What foods speed up your metabolism? Let’s learn together!

What are the Ways to Speed Up your Metabolism?

Metabolism means the burning of the nutrients that an individual consumes by the cells in order to support the basic vital functions of the human body. In other words, metabolism is the body's act of converting calories into energy, and this varies from person to person.

The more muscles you have, the faster your metabolism works. However, if your body has excess fat rather than muscle, your metabolism works slowly. A good metabolism equals to health. Slow metabolism can be the cause of fatigue, weight gain, allergies, skin problems, insomnia and other negative conditions. Well, how can you speed up slow metabolism?

How to Speed up Your Metabolism

You need a good metabolism to live a healthier life. Things you need to do to speed up your metabolism:

  • Start the day with a glass of water.
  • Have breakfast in an hour after you wake up.
  • Do not skip meals and eat regularly.
  • Drink one cup of green tea a day because green tea is an expert in boosting metabolism.
  • If you do not have any health problems, drink one cup of black coffee every day.
  • Pastries slow down the metabolism, so try to stay away from them.
  • Pay attention to protein-based meals such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, and yogurt. Don’t forget adjust the amount of protein according to your daily requirement.
  • You can increase your metabolic rate by adding some chili or hot pepper to your meals.
  • In winter, our body reduces the energy it spends in order to adapt to temperature changes. For this reason, physical activities should be increased to stimulate metabolism. You can take a medium-tempo 45-minute walk 2 days a week. Or if you have a favorite sport, you can do it. In addition, carnitine can accelerate fat burning in the body.
  • Spices such as ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon help boost metabolism.
  • You can accelerate your metabolism by including grapefruit, apple and pear in your meals.
  • If you do not have thyroid problems and hypertension, you can consume 1 teaspoon of cress seed with an empty stomach in the morning by mixing it with a little honey.
  • Try to limit your daily salt intake to 5 grams (1 teaspoon) because the sodium in the salt causes your body to retain water and edema.
  • Finally, make sure to have a good sleep pattern.

By applying all these methods, you can accelerate your metabolism naturally. However, if you still cannot observe any acceleration, you can get support from fat-burning and metabolism-accelerating food supplements.