What is Iron Deficiency? Taking Iron Supplements

With iron supplements, you can eliminate the deficiency that you cannot get from natural sources and alleviate the problems caused by iron deficiency.

What is Iron Deficiency? Taking Iron Supplements

Iron deficiency occurs when the body does not have enough iron minerals. This situation causes a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the body and anemia. Insufficient iron intake into the body, inability to absorb iron in the digestive system caused by intestinal diseases, and blood loss are some of the factors that cause this deficiency. 

Symptoms include dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath, headache, difficulty in perception-learning, heart palpitations, dry and worn skin-hair, swelling in the tongue and mouth, and difficulty while swallowing. If the body cannot get enough of this mineral in the long term, the risk of heart spasm or heart attack increases, chronic liver problems and psychological problems may occur. This deficiency caused by mineral deficiency is mostly confused with the Mediterranean anemia disease. Cancer, liver and kidney diseases and hemorrhoids also cause anemia. People whose blood values do not increase despite taking supplements can be diagnosed with Mediterranean anemia. If both diseases are present, mineral deficiency is treated first, then hemoglobin electrophoresis is checked. The hemoglobin value of people who have Mediterranean anemia is between 9-10 mg. 

Taking Iron Supplements

The most effective solution is to take iron supplements. You can take supplements with the help of food, and iron pills can also compensate for the deficiency. Red meat, chicken meat, fish, spleen, liver, eggs, cabbage, broccoli, legumes, rice and grains are among the foods that can increase your iron value. The best iron supplements are meat and meat products. If you do not consume meat and meat products, you should take iron supplements or eat fruit and vegetables that are rich in iron. If you need to take iron supplements during your pregnancy, World Health Organization states that you can take iron supplements after 16th week of your pregnancy with sufficient doses.