What is Royal Jelly?

What are the benefits of royal jelly for the body?

What is Royal Jelly?

Royal jelly is a substance produced by honey bees to feed the queen bees and their larvae. Royal jelly, which contains various nutrients and minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur and potassium, is also a frequently recommended substance in the treatment of various chronic diseases. In addition, royal jelly contains 17 different amino acids, including biotin, inositol, folate, nucleic acids, gamma globulin, which are rich vitamins of the B vitamin family, and 8 essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce. 

Royal jelly helps prevent certain types of cancer during chemotherapy and also has well-known health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, treating infertility, lowering cholesterol levels, protecting the liver, reducing inflammation, improving digestive disorders, preventing premature aging of the skin, helping to lose weight. Royal jelly contains about 60% to 70% water, 12% to 15% protein, 10% to 16% sugar, 3% to 6% fat and 2% to 3% vitamins, salt and amino acids.

What are the Benefits of Royal Jelly?

Royal jelly contains water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, B vitamins and trace minerals. It is known to be a beneficial substance for health thanks to its unique proteins and fatty acids. 

  • Royal jelly may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • It can reduce the risk of heart disease by affecting cholesterol levels.
  • It can aid wound healing and skin repair.
  • The specific proteins in royal jelly can contribute to lowering blood pressure.
  • It can increase insulin sensitivity and improve blood sugar control.
  • It can support healthy brain function with its antioxidant properties.
  • It can reduce some signs of aging.
  • It can contribute to the protection of the immune system.
  • It can help reduce some of the symptoms of menopause.

How to Use and Consume Royal Jelly

Usually, royal jelly, which we come across with in supplement form, may have different purposes due to the different product contents. Although it is said that 300-6,000 mg of royal jelly can be consumed per day, there is no clear dose for consumption. For this reason, the daily usage amounts on the product should be paid attention to when consuming royal jelly.