What is Vitamin D3? What happens in Vitamin D3 Deficiency?

Vitamin D3 is especially important for the development of children. Vitamin D3 deficiency can lead to many health problems in both adults and children. That's why the Vitamin D value should be at the desired level.

What is Vitamin D3? What happens in Vitamin D3 Deficiency?

Vitamin D, which is available in two types as D2 and D3, is a hormone that facilitates the absorption of calcium and is the vitamin with a widespread deficiency in the world. In fact, vitamin D, a hormone that facilitates calcium absorption, is the most common vitamin deficiency in the world. It is mainly found in animal foods such as yoghurt, milk, fish oil and vegetable foods such as mushrooms and orange juice. Since vitamin D3 is a more important type of vitamin for the body, foods and supplements containing D3 can be taken as supplements if there is D3 deficiency. In vitamin D3 deficiency, slowing of growth in childhood and osteoporosis may occur in later years. In order for the muscular system to work properly, we must pay attention to consuming foods containing D3.

Symptoms of Vitamin D3 Deficiency

Vitamin D3 is a type of vitamin that shows its effect on our body more within the vitamin D group. D3, which is a vitamin whose deficiency can be detected very quickly and easily, may show symptoms as follows in case of deficiency:

  • Constant feeling of tiredness and difficulty moving,
  • Difficulty walking,
  • Deterioration of tooth structures, tingling and pain in the teeth,
  • Constant fatigue and weakness in the muscles,
  • Sudden mood swings and depression
  • Weak immune system,
  • Intense pain in bones and joints,
  • The emergence of rickets and osteoporosis diseases,
  • Growth and developmental delay.

What Foods Contain Vitamin D3?

In the most natural way, you can take vitamin D every day effortlessly. Don't even think of it as a daily medicine. Even if you forget, your body will take this vitamin by itself. How? Thanks to the sun under which we walk every day, of course. If you are exposed to sunlight for 20-30 minutes and also eat a few foods that are rich in vitamin D every day, such as milk, yogurt, buttermilk, cheese and butter, fish and fish oil, egg yolk, potatoes, mushrooms, meat and vegetable products, it is possible to prevent vitamin deficiency problem. In addition, doctors state that vitamin D3 supplements are required for people with D2 and D3 deficiency.